
D.Min. Candidates Entering "Crunch Time"

August 22, 2013

In sports, people use the term "crunch time" to describes the last minute turning point in the game that decides who wins and who loses.

This August is "crunch time" for many D. Min. candidates who plan on completing their Foundation Papers and Project Proposals for this fall's Doctoral Colloquium and be on track for their paper reviews in the Spring quarter.

The program's Doctoral Committee has been meeting frequently on the importance of these dates and quality work from Olivet's D. Min. Candidates with Mentor approval. The work of the Committee is to hold high standards for the D. Min degree at Olivet University.

In this period of the D.Min. program's "crunch time," doctoral candidates are encouraged to remember these key dates. Mentors are encouraged to make every effort to see that their doctoral candidates through weekly meetings so that candidates "do the work and be prepared," as D.Min Program Director Dr. Tom Cowley stated.

Recognizing the multiple demands on people's time in their ministries and families, mentors and members from the Doctoral Committee are committed to ensure progress and quality as candidates overcome their challenges.  The Colloquium will be a time to share and review the students’ exciting doctoral projects underway around the world.

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